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The walls — St. James's Church — Adjoining houses — Magazine — Old cemetery — Nigambodh Gate — Salimgarh — Garden of Madho Das — The Palace before 1857 — Courts and buildings — Dariaganj — Jama Masjid — Objects north of the Ridge — Coronation Darbar Park — Badli-ki-Sarai — Garden of Mahaldar Khan — Roshanara Garden — Mithai bridge — Hindu Rao's house.

Map of Delhi in 1857, p. 172.

Plan of the Palace, p. 160.

The walls, built in the time of Shah Jahan, about A.D. 1648, did not completely surround the city, which was left open on the river side. A portion of wall, however, was constructed from the Water Bastion to about opposite the Government College, more as a protection to the adjacent houses against the river than as a defence against an enemy. The river-face of Dara Shikoh's palace (afterwards the arsenal) also had a protecting wall. It was not until after 1804 that the city wall was extended, in the bed of the river up to the moat around the palace;