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Delhi before the Moghal Conquest

calling the city thus formed Jahan panah, or the "shelter of the world." He now got together an army, and overran many countries, even contemplating an invasion of China ; but his troops perished, almost to a man.

During an expedition to the Deccan Mahomed was much struck with the advantages of Deogiri, and determined to found a new capital there; he therefore, in 1338, ordered the inhabitants of Delhi to move there in a body, and, in order to make the journey more pleasant, he had trees planted all along the road. A revolt at Multan soon brought him back, and the people were also allowed to return; but in 1 340 they had again to set out for Deogiri, and he saw that they had no inducement to remain by burning their houses. His troops, searching by his orders, found only a blind man and a cripple left; the latter was flung from a catapult, the former dragged along until his legs dropped off In 1342 a dreadful famine raged in the Deccan, and the people were again permitted to return;but the famine was just as bad in Delhi, and men even ate each other, the famine continuing for two years, until the people petitioned to be allowed to migrate. In 1345 Delhi was again populated, and the inhabitants were allowed to remain undisturbed.195