Page:The Seven Seas (Kipling, 1896).djvu/268

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EVENTS. By S. Baring Gould. Third Edition. Crown%vo. 6j. ' A collection of exciting and entertaining chapters. The whole volume is delightful reading.' — Times.

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S. Baring Gould. SONGS OF THE WEST: Traditional Ballads and Songs of the West of England, with their Traditional Melodies. Collected by S. Baring Gould, M.A., and H. Fleet- wood Sheppard, M. A. Arranged for Voice and Piano. In 4 Parts (containing 25 Songs each), Parts /., //., ///., 35. each. Part IV., 5 J. In one Vol., French morocco, 15^. 'A rich collection of humour, pathos, grace, and poetic iaxicy.'— Saturday Review.


EVENTS. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s.

S. Baring Gould. STRANGE SURVIVALS AND SUPER- STITIONS. With Illustrations. By S. Baring Gould. Crozvn 8vo. Second Edition. 6s. ' We have read Mr. Baring Gould's book from beginning to end. It is full of quaint and various information, and there is not a dull page in it. ' — Motes and Queries.

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