Page:The Shaving of Shagpat (1856).djvu/314

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save Shagpat, and the merchant said, "How is it I marked not at a glance that this man of the thick and lengthy growth was he that had holiness in him?" Then said he to the people, "Honour him ye!" And he said to the King, "O King, high in majesty, potent! if the blaze of thy throne over kingdoms and countries be now such as we see it, what would it be were Shagpat at thy right hand, advising thee in the chair of the Vizier?"

Upon that I was wroth, and sought the countenance of the King, but he betrayed no discontent; so I saw that the star of Shagpat was in the ascendant,—mine darkened by it. Now in this merchant I discovered the Genie Karaz, and daily he did things in this wise to honour Shagpat in the eyes of the people and abase me; yet was I patient and awaited thy coming, O Master of the Event, to confound him. Things were in that state when tidings were brought of a barber that had been in Oolb, and had shaved the King and his officers with a terrible tackle that talked and prophesied shame to Shagpat, dishonour to him, and downfall, disgrace, and vindictive shearing. Then I knew thou wert in part triumphant by the aids of Noorna, my daughter, and that Paravid and Garraveen would lead to the Lily, the Lily to Aklis, Aklis to the consummation of vengeance and crowning of Events on the head of Shagpat. Surely the thought was comfort, and the news intoxicated me, and I went forth disguised and without companion, when the day had sunk, to watch the effect