Page:The Shepherd's Week - Gay (1728).djvu/27

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Afield I went, amid the morning dew,
To milk my kine (for so should huswives do)
Thee first I spy'd, and the first swain we see,
In spite of fortune shall our true-love be;
See, Lubberkin, each bird his partner take, 45
And can'st thou then thy sweetheart dear forsake?
With my sharp heel I three times mark the ground,
And turn me thrice around, around, around.

Last May-day fair I search'd to find a snail,
That might my secret lover's name reveal; 50
Upon a gooseberry bush a snail I found,
For always snails near sweetest fruit abound.
I seiz'd the vermin, home I quickly sped,
And on the hearth the milk-white embers spread.
Slow crawl'd the snail, and if I right can spell, 55
In the soft ashes mark'd a curious L:
Oh, may this wondrous omen lucky prove!
For L is found in Lubberkin and Love.
With my sharp heel I three times mark the ground,
And turn me thrice around, around, around. 60

Two hazle nuts I threw into the flame,
And to each nut I gave a sweet—heart's name.
This with the loudest bounce me sore amaz'd,
That in a flame of brightest colour blaz'd.
As blaz'd the nut so may thy passion grow, 65
For 'twas thy nut that did so brightly glow.[1]
With my sharp heel I three times mark the ground,
And turn me thrice around, around, around.


  1. 66. Daphnis memalus urit, ego hanc in Daphnide
  2. Line 64. ————ἐγὼ δ` ἐῶἰ Δἑλφιδι δἀφναν
    Αἂθω. χ` ὠς ἀυτὰ λακέει μέγα καππυρἰσασα᾽.
