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How To Fast

This "Fast" will need to be divided into instructions for physical, mental, emotional and Illuminati fasting.

There are not many things to be said; the methods, on all planes, are simple to tell, yet not so simple to do. All the written words on earth could not cover everything that the Initiate will want to know. Each faster presents a new problem, as each one will react to the Fast in his own particular way.

After years of careful scientific and psychical study, these instructions have been chosen as fundamental principles for all, which, if followed, will lead the Initiate on in perfectly normal development. It is impossible for any one to have malicious reactions in either body or mind if he follows these instructions.

There are those who have fasted outside of instructions, with just a little learning, never acquainting themselves with the real meaning of the Fast, then when they have come upon some unexplainable phenomena in mind and body they have laid the blame on fasting, when in fact it was only their own ignorant use of a great Cosmic Law.