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The history of Spain records two instances of the severe and self-devoting heroism, which forms the subject of the following dramatic poem. The first of these occurred at the siege of Tarifa, which was defended in 1294 for Sancho, King of Castile, during the rebellion of his brother, Don Juan, by Guzman, surnamed the Good*[1]. The second is related of Alonso Lopez de Texeda, who, until his garrison had been utterly disabled by pestilence, maintained the city of Zamora for the children of Don Pedro the Cruel, against the forces of Henrique of Trastamara†[2]

Impressive as were the circumstances which distinguished both these memorable sieges, it appeared to

  1. * See Quintana's 'Vidas de Españoles celebres,' p. 53.
  2. † See the Preface to Southey's 'Chronicle of the Cid.'