Page:The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors Vol 6.djvu/98

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Sadhna's tomb is at Sarhind in the Panjab, but the sadhu in charge of it can give no information regarding him.


Beni briefly traces the progress of man's spiritual degeneration from the time of birth.

Owing to the great difficulty of his writings it is believed that he is of comparatively ancient date. Unfortunately no account of him is accessible.


O man, when thou wast in the pit of the womb and didst meditate and fix thine earnest attention on God;[1]
Not proud of the dignity of thy mortal body, thou wast day and night free from the pride which is ignorance.
Recall the travail and great suffering of those days; now thou hast too much extended thy thoughts to worldly things.

    felt alarmed on the approach of the hostile army to the capital, and prayed to Vishnu to save him. Vishnu heard his prayers, caused the defeat of the hostile king, and thus saved the country and its people, including the lover of the king's daughter.

    Several gyānis analyse the hymn as follows: In the first two lines Sadhna addresses God, 'Thou hast saved him, why not me?' God is supposed to reply, 'This form of death was recorded in thy destiny.' Sadhna then repeated the third and fourth lines. God then said that He would grant him salvation after death. Sadhna replied with the fifth and sixth lines. God then tells him to be of good cheer, after which Sadhna replied with the seventh and eighth lines. The ninth line is frequently paraphrased—I can do nothing for myself, I have no relation and no one to assist me.
    Sadhna founded a sect which does not appear to be numerous now, and which is confined to persons of the trade of butcher. The particular tenets of the Sadhnāpanthis are nowhere stated, but it is probable they simply consist in worshipping Sadhna as an incarnation of Vishnu.

  1. Urdh in the Granth Sāhib often means God. It may, however, be also translated—with body reversed.