Page:The Silent Scream (1984).ogg/44

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Now, I think I know a little bit about abortion. I was one of the founders of NARAL in 1969; it’s now known as the National Abortion Rights Action League. And for a period of two years, I was the director of the largest abortion clinic in the western world. Since those times, we have a science which is known as fetology, which has allowed us to study the human fetus; and all of those studies have concluded, without exception, that the unborn child is a human being, indistinguishable from any of us and an integral part of our human community.

Now, the destruction of a living human being is no solution to what is basically a social problem. I believe a resort to such violence is an admission of scientific and, even worse, ethical impoverishment. Somehow, I refuse to believe that Americans, who have put men on the Moon, can’t devise a better solution than the resort to violence. I think we should all, here and now, devote ourselves to an untiring effort to devise a better solution—a solution compounded equally of love and compassion, and a decent regard for the overriding priority of human life. Let’s all, for humanity’s sake, here and now, stop the killing.