Page:The Singing Fool (1928).webm/421

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Al Stone

Friends may forsake me.
Let them all forsake me.
I still have you, Sonny Boy.

You're sent from Heaven
And I know your worth.
You made a heaven
For me, right here on Earth.

And when I'm old and grey, dear,
Promise you won't stray, dear,
From your dear old Dad, Sonny Boy.

When there are grey skies,
I don't mind grey skies!
I don't mind them!
You make them blue, Sonny Boy!
Friends may forsake me!
Let them...let them all forsake me!
I still have you, Sonny Boy!

You're sent from heaven,
And I know your worth!
Why, you've made a heaven
For me, right here on earth!

The angels, they grew lonely!
And they took you because they were lonely!
I'm lonely too, Sonny Boy!