Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/127

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lady, and not a man, so there could be no harm in that, as she afterwards told me.

"How I did gamahuche her as she fell back on the sofa and let me have my way. She wriggled, heaved and sighed.

"I could hear her gasp out: 'You darling; you love! How nice; how delicious!'

"Then her spendings came in a thick creamy emission, and I sucked it all up, and delighted her so by the tittillations of my tongue that she soon came again.

"After a little I got up and sat by her side.

"'And you, love, won't you allow me to kiss and return you the exquisite pleasure you have just afforded me?' she asked, as she kissed me excitedly.

"I pretended to resist her attempts