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"I enlisted as a soldier, noble lady, when I was young, and I have not visited home ever since," was the simple and sad reply of Noren.

Mihr-un-Nissa had too much of the feelings of a woman and a lady to press her inquiries further. She changed the subject.

"Are there other estates in Bengal as ancient and as powerful as yours, young Chief?"

"Bengal has many estates richer than ours, though there are few more ancient, and none more loyal to the Emperor," replied Noren, proudly. "The Zemindars pay the Imperial revenue, keep peace and order in their own estates, and maintain troops for the Imperial service."

"So I have heard, honoured Chief, and happy is the Empire which rests on the loyal support of the people and their leaders. But I have heard, too, that many estates, as large as yours, are owned by Afghan and Mogul Jaigirdars in Bengal."

"So they are, august lady. Afghan chiefs carved out large Jaigirs for themselves from olden times, and our present gracious Emperor has recently granted similar Jaigirs to other warriors—none nobler or braver than your husband. But the Moslem Jaigirdars delight in the profession of arms, draw their revenues from the Hindu Zemindars under them, and seldom disturb the ancient relations between the Zemindars and the people."

"I understand you now, brave Zemindar, and am grateful for what you have told me. I wished to learn something of Bengal from one born and bred in that distant land—something which you could tell me better than others. It is unseemly, perhaps," added Mihr-un-Nissa with a slight blush, "that a