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It was an hour or two before dawn when Jelekha and her companion returned to the gate by which they had entered the Royal Zenana. But the gate was barred and locked and there was no guard.

"This has an object," said Jelekha to herself, "he is at work. We must scale the wall or pass out by the river gate. The latter is the best."

Noiselessly, and without asking a question, Noren followed the Tartar maid through winding passages and down many steps. They provided themselves with vessels, and unbarred the wicket gate which led to the river. In the utter darkness of the night they stood by the swift Jumna, like two women who had come to fetch water.

Noren felt the peril of his situation, but Jelekha's sudden laughter interrupted his thoughts.

"What means this unseasonable merriment, Jelekha?"

"I was wondering if thou knowest who thou art."

"I scarcely know who I am under thy strange guidance, girl. I was thy sister Sharifa, an hour ago."

"Ay, ay, but my sister Sharifa would scarcely come to fetch water at this early hour."

"I am a soldier, Jelekha, and have little talent for playing parts," said Noren, a little piqued.

"Nay, the soldier sleeps in the Guest House in the