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"But I carry the Persian Lady's ring, and surely that will save us, Jelekha."

"The great Emperor's ring will not save us if it be discovered that a man was inside the Royal Zenana! Happily thou camest with the Rajput woman, and no one suspected. I am watched, and the guards on the riverside had their instructions. My movements are known, and my footsteps are dogged!"

"Give not way to a false alarm, brave girl. Why should they watch thee?"

"Because it is suspected I took a spy to the Zenana to-night."

"Come away, we shall soon be in our room, and safe," said Noren.

"That will lead to discovery and to death—to thee and to me. We shall be followed."

"But who will follow? Who watches thee?"

"He whose eye never closes, and whose cruelty never sleeps."

"Who is he?"

No answer came.

Another long waiting. A heavy tread was heard approaching the place where they stood. Quick as lightning Jelekha made up her mind.

"Go, go to thy room. We must not be seen together or we die. I will see thee again ere the morning dawns. Meanwhile I must meet my—lover!"

Another silent laughter on the pale lips of the trembling girl and she had disappeared.

For once Noren disobeyed her instructions. He stood inside the passage, completely hidden in the darkness, to wait results. He would not retire into his room; he watched and his hand was on his hilt.

The footsteps were heard no longer. The guard