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dry thy tears and to help thee. But speak and tell me all, for time presses."

"Undo these fastenings then, if thou must know my secret."

Noren gently undid the fastenings of the thick velvet bodice, cut and torn in many places as if in a recent struggle. A cry of pain escaped him as he saw the inner cotton vestment streaked with blood. Slowly moving the cotton garb he shuddered to see a deep cut just above her bosom and still bleeding. The poniard had just missed the heart.

"What means all this, Jelekha?" Noren asked in his terror.

"It is the mark of my lover's embrace," said Jelekha, smiling, "but my lover sleeps. A Tartar maiden's kisses have lulled him for a time."

"Speak not in riddles for Heaven's sake, let me know all," said Noren in his impatience.

"For Heaven's sake leave this room and this fort," said Jelekha, rising on her feet. "In an hour the gates of the fort will be closed, a search will be made, and royal bloodhounds will follow the smell of blood."

"I will not leave this room and this fort and leave thee thus I will stay and help thee."

"Great Alla! hast Thou made man so dull of comprehension? Madman! wouldst thou help me to my death? I thought thou wert gentle to me, and felt for me as no man had felt since I left my mother's home."

"Trust me, dear girl," replied Noren, "I feel for thee, and would risk much to be of help to thee."

"Be of help to me then by leaving this fort. With thee in the fort, discovery is certain, and death is