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Domains, Viceroy of the Most High, Protector of Faith! Intelligence has been received that a race, living in the farthest West, and gifted in seafaring and commerce, seeks to open a trade with your Majesty's rich and prosperous Empire. A letter has been received from the White Queen of that nation, who seeks your Majesty's sanction to trade with the people of Hindustan. The nation dwells in an Island in the Western Ocean which they call England."

The letter of the English Queen, which was then read in Persian, ran thus:

"Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, etc. . . . To the most invincible and most mightie prince Lord Yelabdim Echebar, King of Cambaya Invincible Emperor—etc.

"The great affection which our Subjects have to visit the most distant places of the world, not without good will and intention to introduce the trade of all nations whatsoever they can, by which means the mutual and friendly traffeque of marchandise on both sides may come, is the cause that the bearer of this letter John Newbery joyntly with those that be in his company, with a curteous and honest boldnesse, doe repaire to the borders and countreys of your Empire, we doubt not but that your Imperial Maiestie through your royal grace will fauvurably and friendly accept him.

"And that you would doe it the rather for our sake, to make us greatly beholden of to your Maiestie; wee should more earnestly and with more wordes require it if wee did think it needful.

"But by the singular report that is of your Imperial