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Truth who lived humble lives, who worked among the poor, and who achieved greater results than we have done in our might and glory."

"It is always thus," said Abul Fazel. "It is the poor and the lowly who touch the hearts of the million and bring light and joy to their humble lives. The Prophet Jesus was poor and persecuted, and lived among the fishermen of Galilee; and Mahomet, the last of the Prophets, fled from Mecca to Medina for his life."

"Ay, I have met saintly men from the West who explained to me the story of Prophet Jesus, and it touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes to hear of Him who died on the cross. They say all the Western nations follow His creed—the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the English too, who live in their little island in the ocean."

"I am content," added Akbar, after a pause, "if the more thoughtful among my subjects recognise the religion of One God—the God of the Hindus and the Mohammedans. Let us sow the seed in our days and the harvest will follow. I built a Temple in Kashmir, after my conquest of that Province, for the use of both Hindus and Moslems, and you know, Abul Fazel, the words which were engraved on the Temple."

Abul Fazel knew those words by heart, and repeated them:

"Where'er I look, O Mighty God! all men are seeking Thee,
Whate'er tongue is spoken, God, all men but speak of Thee!
Faith of faithful, doubt of sceptic, feeleth after Thee!
Thou art One without a second—all faiths teach of Thee!
In the mosque the gathered people murmur hymns to Thee!