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"It is not to inspect accounts that I wished to see thee this evening. They can wait till I return from the West, nor have Gokul Das's accounts ever been found at fault these forty years. It is some other matters which trouble me and which claim consideration to-day."

Gokul Das knew what was coming, and silently awaited further communication.

"Rumours have reached me, Gokul Das, that the estate of Birnagar has not improved under the administration of the Imperial Agent. Is that so?"

"That is so, Master."

"That the arrears are heavier now than when we left the place, nine years ago."

"That is so, Master."

"That the Imperial Agent is in despair, and the Kanangoe of the Province has resolved on desperate measures."

"The Kanangoe, my young Master, will carry out Imperial orders when an estate does not pay its revenue."

"And sell the defaulting estate?"

"That has been the ancient law of this Province."

"Of these two sister estates, which have existed side by side these three hundred years, one will cease to exist?"

"Of these sister estates, which have warred with each other for three hundred years, one must stand, my Master, and one must fall."

"And Birnagar House and estate, where I found shelter and love and joy, will pass to the hands of strangers?"

"Birnagar estate will be sold, my Master, but need not pass to the hands of strangers."