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"This is the Golden Temple of Mathura, sister Saibalini; thou seest how the gilt dome glistens in the light of the full moon. Did not the minstrel boy tell us, sister, that we would meet a long-lost friend here this festive night?"

"He did, sister Hemlata. And a strange boy was that Jamshid, for he told us of many things which have come true. Did he not tell us of dear Noren, whom we have not seen these nine years?"

"He did," quietly replied Hemlata.

"He said also that he had seen the Eastern Chief who had come to Agra and had read his life on his face. He said that Noren was unhappy at home, but would be happy abroad; that he had lost estate and rank in Bengal, but would win honour and fame in Agra."

"High honour has he won in Agra, Saibalini, and the favour of the great Badshah himself."

"He said a shadow had crossed his path at Agra, but the shadow had passed away. He said Noren's future was unclouded, and he would be restored to his own in his Eastern land."

"That, too, has come to pass, sister Saibalini, for the great Badshah has passed his royal orders."

"Ay, but we must induce him, Hemlata, to return with us. My brother has inquired far and near and