Page:The Small House at Allington Vol 2.djvu/9

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I. The Wounded Fawn 1
II. Pawkins's in Jermyn Street 10
III. "The Time will Come" 20
IV. The Combat 32
V. Væ Victis 40
VI. "See, the Conquering Hero Comes" 52
VII. An Old Man's Complaint 64
VIII. Dr. Crofts is called in 72
IX. Dr. Crofts is Turned Out 83
X. Preparations for the Wedding 95
XI. Domestic Troubles 109
XII. Lily's Bedside 118
XIII. Fie, Fie 127
XIV. Valentine's Day at Allington 139
XV. Valentine's Day in London 148
XVI. John Eames at his Office 160
XVII. The New Private Secretary 172
XVIII. Nemesis 181
XIX. Preparations for Going 192
XX. Mrs. Dale is Thankful for a Good Thing 202
XXI. John Eames does Things which he Ought not to have Done 210
XXII. The First Visit to the Guestwick Bridge 224
XXIII. Loquitur Hopkins 234
XXIV. The Second Visit to the Guestwick Bridge 243
XXV. Not very Fie Fie after all 254
XXVI. Showing how Mr. Crosbie became again a Happy Man 267
XXVII. Lilian Dale Vanquishes her Mother 276
XXVIII. The Fate of the Small House 286
XXIX. John Eames becomes a Man 296
XXX. Conclusion 306