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Vol. I
APRIL, 1900
No. 2


A Maiden Diplomat L. H. Bickford 1

A Qualified Commandment Tom P. Morgan 68

A Man's Ideal Ella Wheeler Wilcox 69

An Easter Episode McCrea Pickering 70

The Toilet of Venus Edgar Saltus 71

An Easter Soliloquy Albert Bigelow Paine 75

A Modern Daughter Julien Gordon 77

Too Prodigal Tom Masson 82

The Other Chair James Gardner Sanderson 83

The County Toast Theodosia Garrison 86

The Gates of Circumstance M. C. Aymar 87

At Parting Clinton Scollard 98

The Revolution of English Society Countess of Warwick 99

The Prettiest Thing Joe Lincoln 104

The Aloofness of Lucy Caroline K. Duer 105

A Bagatelle T. M. 112

Sauve Qui Peut Warwick James Price 112

A Summer Journey in Russia Mrs Burton Harrison 113

The Fascination of Alphonse Max Pemberton 125

The Fruit Stand Italian R. A. Munkittrick 130

In the Days of Jackman John Regnault Ellyson 131

On Her Birthday Burges Johnson 136

The Smart Set and the Stage Clement Scott 137

A Familiar Story Tom Masson 142

The Decision of the Dog Richard Stillman Powell 143

The Man in the Watch Charles Stokes Wayne 149

Romance, Then and Now Jennie Betts Hartswick 154

The Way of a Maid with a Man Richard Marsh 155

The Benedict's Lament Theodosia Garrison 160


The entire contents of this magazine are protected by copyright, and must not be reprinted
Entered at New York Post-Office as second-class mail matter
Issued Monthly by Ess Ess Publishing Company, 1135 Broadway, New York