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Vol. I
JUNE, 1900
No. 4


Hearts Aflame Louise Winter 1

Her Violin Florence A. Jones 49

A Fool and His King Frank (illegible text) 50

Hard Lines M. T. (illegible text) 50

The Triumph of Truth Caroline K. Duer 51

A Question of Residence C. G. Gribble 54

Bayard Bendelow Edgar Fawcett 55

A Literary Love Affair Tom Masson 64

The Soprano on the Links Guy Somerville 65

The Knight Errant Arthur Stringer 73

Pascal and Morand John Regnault Ellyson 75

Ormsby's Little Dinner Charles Stokes Wayne 91

May and June Bliss Carman 93

The Renunciation Anna E. Gumaer 94

Miss Minx Elizabeth Crighton 94

The Noose Matrimonial Edgar Saltus 95

The Cup of Joy Madison Cawein 100

While You Wait Charles Newton Hood 101

In the Queen's Chamber Halliwell Sutcliffe 107

The Rose of My Desire Charles G. D. Roberts 115

Quick Mail Service Albert Bigelow Paine 116

An Eyelash Finish Martha McCulloch-Williams 117

Cause and Effect F. J. MacBeath 125

Engaged S. Decatur Smith, Jr. 126

A Study in Thankfulness R. W. St. Hill 126

The First Adventure of Mr. Bing Dang Margaret A. Klein 127

"So Small a Gift" Ella Wheeler Wilcox 129

The Next Step Edwin L. Sabin 130

The Saving Revelation Mrs. Reginald de Koven 131

The Derelict Minna Irving 140

Light and Shade in Japan R. Van Bergen, M.A. 141

The Play Clinton Scollard 149

Dead Roses Theodosia Garrison 149

An Assisted Order Alex. Ricketts 150

The Blue Lobster Albert Hardy 151

Slaves McCrea Pickering 154

A Family Matter Duffield Osborne 155

An Experiment in Love Ruth Milne 157


The entire contents of this magazine are protected by copyright, and must not be reprinted
Entered at New York Post-Office as mail matter
Issued Monthly by Ess Ess Publishing Company, 1135 Broadway, New York