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Vol. I
MARCH, 1900
No. 1


*The Idle Born H. C. Chatfield-Taylor and Reginald de Koven 1

A Life Theodosia Garrison 53

A Butterfly of Fashion Oliver Herford 54

The Social Insurance Co. A. V. Winterroth 56

As It Happened Edwin L. Sabin 56

The Phantom Duke Edgar Saltus 57

The Subtleness of Dickie Sewell Ford 61

The Dawn of Love Frederic Fairchild Sherman 62

One of Cattermole's Experiments Julian Hawthorne 63

A Modern Mother Julien Gordon (Mrs. Van Rensselaer Cruger) 79

The Poppies Minna Irving 86

Social Inconsistencies Eliot Gregory 87

For a Lute A. G. 90

Didn't Know the Style Tom Masson 103

The Son of a New Woman Miriam Michelson 91

It Was All Right Tom Masson 103

Ashes of Roses Arthur J. Stringer 104

The Harmony Clinton Scollard 104

A Summer Journey in Russia Mrs. Burton Harrison 105

To an Iris Bliss Carman 117

A Gentleman of Virginia John Regnault Ellyson 119

A March Idyl R. K. Munkittrick 123

My Ladye's Heart Ella Wheeler Wilcox 124

If I Had a Million Charles Vale 125

A Question of Caste Gelett Burgess 127

A Mad Medley Sarah Cooper Hewitt 138

The Impressions of a Stage Horse Sarah Cooper Hewitt 139

You Who Love Me Richard Stillman Powell 141

A String of Beads S. E. Benet 142

An Unaccountable Countess Caroline K. Duer 143

Where It Seemed Always Afternoon Charles Frederic Nirdlinger 151

Osman Aga Clinton Scollard 156

The White Eclair Guy Somerville 157

*This story was awarded the $1,000 prize offered by The Smart Set for a prose satire.


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