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"'I'm lookin' for poor ould Moynahan. He was out on the hill in the evenin', but he hasn't kem home, an' I'm anxious about him, for he had a sup in him, an' I fear he may have fallen into the bog. I've been out lukin' for him, but I can't find him. I thought he might have kem in here.'

"'No, he has not been here. Are you sure he was on the hill?'

"'Well, I thought so—but what ought I to do? I'd be thankful if ye'd advise me. Be the way, what o'clock might it be now?'

"Norah, who had joined her father, ran in and looked at the clock.

"'It is just ten minutes past twelve,' she said.

"'I don't know what's to be done,' said Joyce. 'Could he have got to the shebeen?'

"'That's a good idea! I suppose I'd betther go there an' luk afther him. Ye see, I'm anxious about him, for he's been livin' wid me, an' if anythin' happened to him, people might say I done it!'

"'That's a queer thing for him to say!' said Norah to her father.

"Murdock turned on her at once.

"'Quare thing—no more quare than the things they'll be sayin' about you before long.'

"'What do you mean?' said Joyce, coming out.

"'Oh, nawthin', nawthin'! I must look for Moynahan.' And without a word he turned and ran. Joyce and Norah went into the house. When Murdock had