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of several true and fearless men who will aid me to the death," responded Dr. Juno.

"Yis, sir; I'll hilp all that, an' ef I die wid ye all," earnestly said Pat.

Dr. Juno cautiously left the house of the General by the side door, and reached his office without molestation. He retired, but his brain was so active that he could not sleep for thinking of his darling Lucinda.

He planned how he should organize the "Order of Naturalists," and as soon as they had enough men indoctrinated into the order they would free his dear Lucinda.

At his next physiological lecture to men alone he proposed to organize a beneficial society at the close of the discourse; but only those who comprehended, appreciated and were willing to carry out the teachings of nature could become members, and such he invited to remain in their seats after the audience was dismissed.

Forty remained, and after stating to these what was to be the motive and work of the proposed "Secret Order of Naturalists," ten of them left, and thirty remained to be initiated into the Order. The inner workings of this secret body of apt, able and heroic sons of toil were completely and conscientiously practicable, which always strengthens men's determination, hence fear or favor for mere gain did not belong to their articles of faith; but they steered straight ahead as one man, who, knowing God's holy truth, dared maintain it in spite of any and every power that human invention could bring to bear against it!

The membership increased rapidly, and after all their plans and operations were matured, Dr. Juno proposed to have Jemmy pardoned and Miss Lucinda Armington delivered from her unjust incarceration! He said:

"I have been to the Eastern Penitentiary, to see Jemmy, the former overseer of the help at the West Philadelphia Insane Asylum, and he avows that Miss Lucinda Armington is confined in the third story of this Lunatic Asylum! He further says that he was convicted on suspicion, that he was