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the hand of Miss Lucinda Armington, which, should he be successful, would ruin our peace, comfort and safety in all time to come. I am informed that this vile innovator is a very magnificent looking young man, who can proclaim with a Demosthenic tongue, and charm even the most devoted disciple of our faith; in sooth, he has already turned the heads of our staunch Armington family, therefore we are compelled to work very cunningly and deeply, keeping our noble and heroic general in the dark until we contrive some mighty plan for the certain ruination of this Victor Juno—a romantic (?) name for the intended husband of Miss Armington.

"By the heaven above me—and I invoke the powers that be to aid me—I'll trap him, and make him rue the hour that sent him to set his foot in my path! Brothers and sisters, do you comprehend our condition, and do you swear renewed allegiance to our cause and the work I propose? If so, say, each one of you, I will, and raise your left hand toward heaven, whilst you place your right hand upon your beating heart, and pronounce the following solemn words after me; repeating each his or her own name:

"I, Rob Stew, solemnly swear to keep perfectly secret all the plans, acts and operations of the cause of our sainthood, and should I divulge anything or neglect to do the portion of work assigned me, I agree to have my upraised (left) hand burned into cinders; my right hand, which now clasps my beating heart, cut into fragments, and my heart torn out by its roots; moreover, should I fail to do as before stated, I hope to have my soul cast into outer darkness, where there shall be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth forever, and where the devil and his boon associates shall hiss at me, and pour pestiferous reptiles, with envenomed darts, upon my sensibilities, lashing and torturing me beyond the expression of language! This do I voluntarily swear, and hope for no other destiny should I fail in the fulfilment of each part of our sacred covenant. So help me God!