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WE, who understand the fixed laws of the Creator, hereby form the following constitution, which shall be the supreme and only law of the land:

Section I.We recognize the unalterable, fixed laws of nature and wonderful natural works of God as the sovereign power of heaven and earth, and love to God and man are the fruition of obedience to the same.

Section II.We regard the acts of Jesus Christ as worthy of imitation, and no citizen of these United States of America shall profess or claim to be a Christian or Naturalist unless he leads, as near as possible, the natural life that Christ led. And the fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth and twenty-third chapters of St. Matthew of the New Testament shall be learned, and their teachings become the principles by which all things shall be compared, and upon which everything is to be based.

Section III.All anti-natural and anti-Christ customs, statutes and precepts shall be treated as felonious. Fashions and all useless or unnecessary things and customs shall also be treated as criminal, and the victim shall be imprisoned in the institutions of instruction.

Section IV.Individuals shall not own property of any kind, but each shall receive the necessaries of life as he or she has need of, in common with the rest, and in keeping with the laws of nature and capacity of the means of the country.

Section V.The apt, zealous and faithful disciples shall become the apostles, who will make proper scientific interpretations of the fixed laws of God. The people who will not voluntarily learn the right and obey it shall be made to do so, as school boys of yore were compelled to do.

Section VI.The oldest, ablest and most faithful apos-