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ANCES, Animal Magnetism, Pure (Oxygenated) Air, Water, Sleep, Natural Food, Light, Best, Exercise, Temperature, Regulation of the Passions, etc., furnish us with a most complete and compatible Materia Medica.

We warrant to cure all kinds of diseases, if not too far gone; but we have always treated more Sexual than any other complaints.

OFFICE HOURS, by Dr. Landis personally, every week day from 7 to 11 a. m., and Monday and Thursday evenings, 5 to 8 o'clock. Assistants always in Institute. Medical Consultation by letter strictly private.


Note.—Of late years I have refused to publish testimonials, although I have often been offered excellent ones; but as my friends repeatedly ask me to do so, I will insert a few given me many years ago; all but two of the signers live to this day. These recommendations have lost nothing by age.


PHILADELPHIA, January 22, 1858.

We, the undersigned, have known Dr. S. M. Landis for a number of years, and having personally been under his admirable and very skilful treatment do most cordially recommend him and his plan of treating diseases to all suffering mankind. He is a man in whose medical opinion and honor the most implicit confidence can be placed. If any friends of the undersigned should meet with this, be kind enough to regard it* as a special recommendation of Dr. Landis.

SAM'L CONRAD, cor. 9th and Market sts., Phila.
CHARLES STACKHOUSE, 56 N. Fourth st., Phila.
THOS. L. GILLESPIE, cor. 6th and Market sts., Phila
LEWIS LADOMUS, 802 Chestnut st., Phila.
J. WOOLMAN REEVES, 920 N. Eighth st., Phila.
JOS. KONIGMACHER, Ephrata Mountain Sp., Pa.
JAMES S. LIPPINCOTT, Haddonfield, N.J.
J.S. AFRICA, Senate, Harrisburg, Pa.