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but all failed to cause the least impression on his mind. Now, I see but one effectual way of bringing him to my feet. I must cause the ruination of his daughter's reputation, and whilst 1 will link her fall with this innovator, Victor Juno, I will kill two birds with one stone, by causing a wide-spread prejudice amongst the saints of all denominations against both of them, and at the same time I will prove the most sympathetic bosom friend of both the general and his despicable daughter.

"This may seem to be serving God and Satan, but, as long as the elect cannot sin, and as long as I can wheedle the entire brotherhood, I am safe. Truly, my unsuspicious and innocent general, I'll turn your head around this way; and you shall see the hypocrisy of others, whilst you will be hated and suspected by many saints, who, however, for your money and position's sake, will do you homage; yet I will prove to be your only reliable friend, and when your family troubles bow your head, and those in whom you most trusted have proved false to your knowledge, I still will show my fidelity to yourself and daughter; but beware when the tigress once has the opportunity to close her teeth upon her prey, how she will make the huntsman, who fails to respect her life, howl!"

At this moment some one gently knocked at the door, and, on opening it, one of the servants announced that Rev. Joe Pier was in the parlor, desiring to see her.

"What does he want?" asked Nancy.

"I cannot say, my lady," responded the servant.

"Tell him I'll be there in a few moments," said Nancy, and murmured to herself:" That stupid mush-head is continually boring me; I wish Satan had him, the poor love-sick fool. If ever anything can disgust one, it is to have a sap-head like Joe Pier trotting after one, for whom one has neither love, fear nor respect: well, well, he may be of some valuable service to me, and I shall take advantage of this visit and use him to accomplish my purposes, if it kills him! The silly dunce seems to be happy when I give