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this hour, and in this disguise, that your heart beats in unison with mine, or you would not be thus," most affectionately spoke Victor Juno, looking worlds of love into her soul-enchanting eyes.

"May you never doubt my sincerity and motives, but still I am almost a perfect stranger to you," ejaculated Lucinda; but Victor interrupted her, and said solemnly:

"My beloved lady, why should you feel in the least embarrassed or backward in the presence of a man who would lose his life ten thousand times to give you one meagre joy?"

"Speak no more, dear friend, you have indeed saved my miserable life, at triple the danger of losing your own, therefore I would indeed be an ingrate to withhold any thing from you," modestly responded Lucinda.

"Thanks, many thanks, for this delicious candor, and, will you now be kind enough to relate what you spoke of, and, after so doing, I will tell you my dream," said Victor.

"Oh! I have some horrible things to tell you, which may not be any benefit to your shattered nerves; but, there is a greater danger overhanging you than my story can produce, should you be kept in ignorance of what I know. You will, therefore, find that my presence at this hour, and in this awkward disguise, may save your precious life, which, if such will be the case, will at least repay you for the great services you have done me and my father," said Lucinda.

"Beloved angel of my soul, why do you mention what I did? You certainly cannot deem me so selfish as to hope I labored for compensation," sadly responded Victor.

"Oh, no! certainly not, I did not mean that, but"—hesitatingly she continued—"I sup-pose it was"—

"Love," ejaculated Victor, "that prompted the whole some act; say so, sweetest lady, and I'll believe you!"

"Yes, sir, indeed it was," she said, softly but earnestly.

"My soul is rejoiced that my never-ceasing affection for you is reciprocated, if I may be so bold as to esteem myself so blessed," responded Victor.