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Creator, who has made everything for our pleasure, joy and perpetual bliss, has grown very cold. In sooth, God and nature are esteemed vulgar monitors, if we accept the actions of the professed saints as criterions to go by.

The Old and New Testaments teach sound logic, when we have the key to unlock the meaning of the mandates of this Bible. It is very much a book like the arithmetic, and as long as it is read by everybody, without anybody having the key by which alone a natural or scientific religion can be discovered, "The Church" of God (which is composed of all the wonderful works and fixed laws of God) will be continually split into new isms and schisms, and

"Each stupid sect, in error bound,
Think they the only road have found
        To paradise complete."

There exists only one church, namely, the Holy Catholic, or Universal, or Natural Church of God, and Jesus Christ was the Naturalist who established it.

There are no such things in God's, or Christ's, or nature's vocabulary as "churches." Moreover, a "church" is not a house made of bricks, mortar, wood and cushioned seats, with gilded candlesticks and gaudy or plain fixtures, blasphemously dedicated to Almighty God (as commonly called) by the pharisees and blind leaders of the blind; but, a "church," or "THE CHURCH," is composed of law, order, principle, heavens, earth, air and all the multitudinous little injunctions of the Creator, with Jesus Christ's simple, pure and resolute mind at the head, representing himself as the chief corner stone; whilst the Holy Spirit is the motive power that incites the mind to a full understanding and bona fide appreciation of the Creator's fixed laws; hence, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in one work—or are actually one—and yet three distinct heads, or principles.

Therefore, "The Church" cannot be dedicated by man who is born and bred in false relations to life—it is the