Page:The Solar System - Six Lectures - Lowell.djvu/58

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40 The Solar System  

striving by friction to set it at right angles to the line. The bulge, therefore, acts as a brake upon the Earth's rotation, and must continue so to act until the Earth's rotation and revolution coincide.

Tide-generating force.Now let us determine the tide-generating force[1]:—

Let = mass of the Earth;
=mass of the Moon;
,, = be coördinates of the Moon referred to the Earth's centre;
=its distance;
= the coördinates of the particle referred to the Earth's centre;
= its distance.

Then the Earth describes an ellipse round the centre of inertia of the Earth and Moon, and its acceleration is toward this centre.

To bring it to rest, we must apply to it an acceleration, , of which the accelerations along the coördinates are,—



  1. 1 After G. H. Darwin. Article in the Encyclopedia Britannica on "Tides.")