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manifestly supposes the Divinity of the Creator, why not the second? If none but God could make the world, how can any but God re-make it?

And yet, how plain is it from the testimony of the Sacred Scriptures, that Jesus Christ, as being the Saviour of man, is also his Re-former and Regenerator! For is it not written of Him, that As many as believed on Him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, which were born (observe) not of bloods, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God? John i. 12. 13.

How can words speak plainer than these do, that man’s new birth is immediately from Jesus Christ? That it is Jesus Christ alone who gives power to men to become the Sons of God? How then, can words speak plainer than these do, that Jesus Christ is God, for who, but God, can give power to become the sons of God?

I might here proceed to show further, how Salvation implies both Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence, on the part of the Saviour, inasmuch as it is altogether impossible that the Saviour can work Salvation, unless he be at the same time omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. For without all power, how, as was just now observed, could he subdue sin, and hell, and death? And without all knowledge and omnipresence, how could he possibly provide for and effect the reformation and regeneration of each individual human mind? And who cannot see, that omni-