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St. Luke, chap. ii. ver. 11.

Unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a
Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

These words are a part of that blessed annunciation of the Great Redeemer, delivered by the angel to the shepherds, which we have just now heard read in one of the lessons appointed for this morning’s service.

They contain a remarkable description of the character of that Holy Person whom they announce, which character is expressed by the emphatical appellation of Saviour,—Unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour.

It is to the instructive interpretation and most interesting signification of this name of Saviour, as applied to that Holy Person whose nativity we this day commemorate, that I wish to engage your present attention, as a suitable means of leading you into such reflections as may be most proper and edifying for the solemnity of the present occasion.

It is a circumstance of striking notoriety in the present period of the Christian Dispensation, and