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Redeemer) are hid from the wise and prudent, and revealed unto babes, Matt. xi. 25. Whence we may conclude, that men, the most distinguished for their learning and ingenuity, may possibly be the last to discover the truth, and that for this reason, because they may have too much of their own self-derived wisdom and prudence, and too little of that spirit of babes, to which alone the things of God can be safely revealed.

But be this as it may—one thing is certain, that a spirit of doubt has, of late, been very generally excited in Christian Countries respecting the Divinity of the Christian Redeemer, and that this doubt, in numberless cases, has proceeded even to denial. Possibly, beloved, this spirit may have begun to infect some of your minds. Possibly your faith may not be so firmly fixed as it ought to be respecting the divine nature, character and operation of that Holy One whose nativity you are met this day to celebrate. If so, whilst I wish to suggest to you, that in all doubt there is more or less of danger, because doubt and denial are not far asunder, so I wish also to endeavour to dissipate your doubt, and thereby, as far as possible, deliver you from danger, by presenting to you what appears to me a conclusive and incontrovertible argument in favour of the eternal and exclusive Divinity of your Redeemer, the Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In pursuing this argument, I might call to your recollection what you have just now heard read from the Prophet concerning the Incarnate God, where it is written, that His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God,