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21. Acts iv. 12. How now are these testimonies to be reconciled, unless Jesus Christ be also Jehovah? Jehovah says of himself, “There is no Saviour beside me,”—of Jesus Christ it is said, “He is the Saviour of the World,” John iv. 42. Either then Jesus Christ must be Jehovah God, or it is plain there must be a Saviour besides Jehovah, which is contrary to his repeated and most positive declaration.

But leaving this difficulty to be solved by those who still doubt, I shall beg leave to suggest another consideration of no less importance than the above, towards deciding on the interesting question before us.

The term Saviour, as applied to Jesus Christ in the Sacred Scriptures, manifestly implies that the work of Salvation was wrought by him; for to call him a Saviour, and yet not to ascribe to him the operation of a Saviour, which is Salvation, is to give him a mere name without that office which the name involves.

But who now, let me ask, can possibly work the work of Salvation except God himself?

I put the question to such amongst you, beloved, as have yet any doubt concerning the Divinity of your redeeming and saving Lord, because, perhaps, you have never yet considered as you ought, what the term Saviour implies, or what the work of Salvation is.

For your own sake then, and for your Salvation’s sake, let me counsel you now to reflect