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Deserves not death, since all to death must come.
Counsel of pride is wrong: we’ve fought enough.
Leave we the fools, and with the wise be one.”



And after him came Neimès out, the third,230
Better vassal there was not in the world;
And to the King: “Now rightly have you heard
Guenès the Count, what answer he returned.
Wisdom was there, but let it well be heard.
King Marsilies in war is overturned,235
His castles all in ruin have you hurled,
With catapults his ramparts have you burst,
Vanquished his men, and all his cities burned;
Him who entreats your pity do not spurn,
Sinners were they that would to war return;240
With hostages his faith he would secure;
Let this great war no longer now endure.”
“Well said the Duke.” Franks utter in their turn.



“My lords barons, say whom shall we send up
To Sarraguce, to King Marsiliun?”245
Answers Duke Neimes: “I’ll go there for your love;
Give me therefore the wand, also the glove.”
Answers the King: “Old man of wisdom pruff;
By this white beard, and as these cheeks are rough,
You’ll not this year so far from me remove;250
Go sit you down, for none hath called you up.”


“My lords barons, say whom now can we send
To th’ Sarrazin that Sarraguce defends?”
Answers Rollanz: “I might go very well.”
“Certes, you’ll not,” says Oliver his friend,255
“For your courage is fierce unto the end,
I am afraid you would misapprehend.