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Battle you’ll have, you all are bound to it,1130
For with your eyes you see the Sarrazins.
Pray for God’s grace, confessing Him your sins!
For your souls’ health, I’ll absolution give;
So, though you die, blest martyrs shall you live,
Thrones you shall win in the great Paradis.”1135
The Franks dismount, upon the ground are lit.
That Archbishop God’s Benediction gives,
For their penance, good blows to strike he bids.


The Franks arise, and stand upon their feet,
They’re well absolved, and from their sins made clean,1140
And the Archbishop has signed them with God’s seal;
And next they mount upon their chargers keen;
By rule of knights they have put on their gear,
For battle all apparelled as is meet.
The count Rollant calls Oliver, and speaks:1145
“Comrade and friend, now clearly have you seen
That Guenelun hath got us by deceit;
Gold hath he ta’en; much wealth is his to keep;
That Emperour vengeance for us must wreak.
King Marsilies hath bargained for us cheap;1150
At the sword’s point he yet shall pay our meed.”



To Spanish pass is Rollanz now going
On Veillantif, his good steed, galloping;
He is well armed, pride is in his bearing,
He goes, so brave, his spear in hand holding,1155
He goes, its point against the sky turning;
A gonfalon all white thereon he’s pinned,
Down to his hand flutters the golden fringe:
Noble his limbs, his face clear and smiling.
His companion goes after, following,1160
The men of France their warrant find in him.