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And Engelers the Gascoin of Burdele
Spurs on his horse, lets fall the reins as well,1290
He goes to strike Escremiz of Valtrene,
The shield he breaks and shatters on his neck,
The hauberk too, he has its chinguard rent,
Between the arm-pits has pierced him through the breast,
On his spear’s hilt from saddle throws him dead;1295
After he says: “So are you turned to hell.”



And Otès strikes a pagan Estorgant
Upon the shield, before its leathern band,
Slices it through, the white with the scarlat;
The hauberk too, has torn its folds apart,1300
And his good spear thrusts clean through the carcass,
And flings it dead, ev’n as the horse goes past;
He says: “You have no warrant afterward.”


And Berenger, he strikes Estramariz,
The shield he breaks, the hauberk tears and splits,1305
Thrusts his stout spear through’s middle, and him flings
Down dead among a thousand Sarrazins.
Of their dozen peers ten have now been killed,
No more than two remain alive and quick,
Being Chernuble, and the count Margariz.1310


Margariz is a very gallant knight,
Both fair and strong, and swift he is and light;
He spurs his horse, goes Oliver to strike,
And breaks his shield, by th’ golden buckle bright;