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Pagans are slain, some swoon there in their seats,
Says the Archbishop: “Good baronage indeed!”
“Monjoie” he cries, the call of Charles repeats.1350



And Oliver has cantered through the crush;
Broken his spear, the truncheon still he thrusts;
Going to strike a pagan Malsarun;
Flowers and gold, are on the shield, he cuts,
Out of the head both the two eyes have burst,1355
And all the brains are fallen in the dust;
He flings him dead, sev’n hundred else amongst.
Then has he slain Turgin and Esturgus;
Right to the hilt, his spear in flinders flew.
Then says Rollant: “Companion, what do you?1360
In such a fight, there’s little strength in wood,
Iron and steel should here their valour prove.
Where is your sword, that Halteclere I knew?
Golden its hilt, whereon a crystal grew.”
Says Oliver: “I had not, if I drew,1365
Time left to strike enough good blows and true.”



Then Oliver has drawn his mighty sword
As his comrade had bidden and implored,
In knightly wise the blade to him has shewed;
Justin he strikes, that Iron Valley’s lord,1370
All of his head has down the middle shorn,
The carcass sliced, the broidered sark has torn,
The good saddle that was with gold adorned,
And through the spine has sliced that pagan’s horse;
Dead in the field before his feet they fall.1375
Says Rollant: “Now my brother I you call;
He’ll love us for such blows, our Emperor.”
On every side “Monjoie” you’ld hear them roar.