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This has its fault, the only fault I know of.
It will not let you offer aid to others,
Though they may be your closest bosom friends . . . .
I could but witness Cicero’s sad fall.

I do not want to further preach, my comrades,
I lived my life . . . Cornelius Nepos
Will write it out, employ his style and judgment
And we can hope, his logical conclusions
Will all explain to us . . . It will appear
That prudence is the substance of our whole life.
That was my object . . . . I will not detain you,
For night advances, and we have passed the time
The doctors recommend for good digestion.
I know the feast was not the most resplendent,
For I believe and often so have said,
Not to indulge the stomach. If you do so
Your brain will suffer, weep over its poor lot.
You have learned all.
’Tis time our aging limbs
Were laid to needed rest . . . Live well and hale,
My noble friends, my comrades, one and all.


Sultan Saladin was greatly worried,
Lack of money vexed this famed ruler.
He was told a Jew in near Damascus
Had more money than he could make use of.
So the Jew was called before the Caliph
Who addressed him in a kindly manner:
“Look, you Jews, of books you have a treasure,
Your wise men possess all worldly knowledge,
Tell me then, according to your judgement
Which of all the Faiths you think is best?”

Saladin thus planned to trap the Hebrew:
“If he’ll say the Jewish faith is highest,
I’ll reply that he offended our faith
And will order him to pay a forfeit.
If he’ll say that my faith, or the Christian’s,
I will ask why he had not adopted
Teachings of Mohamed or of Christ.
And again, he’ll have to pay a forfeit.
I will find him guilty in each instance,
Make him pay a fine and reprimand him.”