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Then inwardly I mused and asked;
“How would a love-less world appear?”
’Twould be a barren, lifeless waste
Without flowers blooming here.

The heart would roam about the world
’Til grief would end its plight.
’Twould be as sad as it was before
God said, “Let there be Light.”

’Twould be so sad that man alone
Would not want to tread the sod,
And even the Lord in the heavens above
Would not want to be a God.


All slumbers now upon the world
Except the beating heart;
The Lord only knows why this alone
Ne’er stops, again to start.
Upon God’s world, all’s stilled and hushed
Except the heart’s glad tones;
The Lord only knows why this alone
Ne’er with exhaustion groans.

Sleep overtakes the very thought,
Night follows day’s loud din;
Only the heart keeps e’er awake
To guard our Love within.


Stilled is the whispering of the trees
The leaves are barely breathing,
The birds are dreaming pleasant dreams . . .
So peaceful, so unheeding.

Upon the skies rose many stars,
All seem so free, so sweeping,
Only the bosom sighs with grief,
’round the heart a pain is creeping.

Within the goblets of the blooms,
The cooling dew is glowing.
Dear God, it seems as if this dew
From my weary eyes were flowing.