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And I tried to write that my heart wildly quakes
As the meadows stir under the fairies’ dancing feet,
When a southern zephyr through their tresses breaks
And wakes the flowers to love’s rustling beat;
And that the strength/ concealed within my heart
With songs of joy its secret would impart,
Like the scent that speaks of Spring when shadows fall;
But all I write, I love you above all.

And I tried to write that my thoughts are set ablaze
Like a golden light within a crystal fount,
Like a Morning Star shines through the morning haze,
Like the bush that burned on Sinai’s Sacred mount;
And I tried to write that all my life and might
Was set aflame like a sparkling diamond’s light
From whence your soul shines like a fiery ball,
But all I write, I love you above all.

And I tried to write that ne’er shall I forget,
Like a maple ne’er forgets the warmth of Springs,
That I must seek you and still my soul’s regret
Like Saul once sought the harp’s love-laden strings.
That you were once my most resplendant song,
That your forehead’s gleam will light my grave for long,
Though the wings of death will shield it as a pall,
But all I write, I love you above all.


Torcello, you distant island,
Longing drew me to your shores,
In your groves I want to linger
Here man! Throw away the oars!

Here at last I want to linger
In the shade of swaying trees,
While my thoughts turn to my country,
To my home beyond the seas.