Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/114

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  FT. IN.   FT. IN
85. Strong dark ground 6 0 57 3
86. Peldon 1 0
87. Parting 0 8
88. Strong dark batt 4 0
89. Parting 0 6
90. Strong dark batt 6 4
91. Light binds 31 9
92. Rock 7 0
93. Brooch Coal (of Wyrley) 2 2 6 3
94. Dark ground 3 6
95. Coal ( ? Benches of "Wyrley) 0 7
96. Light binds 20 5 73 10
97. Strong rock 7 0
98. Coal (not known at Wyrley) 2 0
99. Parting 1 3
100. Strong light binds 19 2
101. Ditto with ironstone 20 3
102. Light binds 3 9
103 Bottom Coal of Wyrley Coal 5 6 8 7
Parting 0 7
Coal 2 6
104. Various measures   38 0
105. Four Foot Coal   4 0
    589 0

(Vertical Sections, sheet 26, No. 38).

The following are the abstracts of some other Wyrley sections :—

Section at Longhouse.

  FT. IN. FT. IN.
1. Red sandy rotch, perhaps part of New Red sandstone 35 6
2. Alternations of clunch, grey rock, and black batt 101 0
3. Coal and batt   1 9
4. Rock and clunch 10 0
5. Coals and partings, principally batts   5 10
6. Dark clunch 1 11
7. Coal   2 0
8. Fire-clay, clunch, and rock 74 0
9. Coal (Old Robins coal)   6 6
10. Various measures 84 0
11. Coal (probably the Charles coal)   3 0
12. Various measures 54 0
13. Coal (Cannel coal)   3 6
14. Various measures 81 0
15. Coal (Brooch and Benches)   7  
16. Various measures 48 0
17. Coal (called Bottom coal) [1]   7 0
  489 5 36 7
  36 7
  526 0

  1. In several parts of the Wyrley field there is in the Bottom (or Deep) coal what is known to the colliers as the Middle batt or parting. This is always found, but