Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/228

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costly speculations will be almost sure to be unrewarded, and in some degree to point to those where they are most likely to be successful.

In conclusion, I have to make my acknowledgments to my many kind friends in South Staffordshire for much assistance, without which the survey could never have been rendered so accurate and complete even as it now is. I never made a single application to any landowner, coalowner, or ironmaster of the district, or to their agents, ground bailiffs, and men of business, for any species of information, that was not instantly and courteously responded to in the most ample manner. 'To enumerate the names of persons I have been thus indebted to would be to give a list of a large part of the population of the district; and is therefore obviously impossible. It is, however, only justice to state, that when the survey of the district was commenced, several of the principal faults traversing it had been laid down on large parish maps by some members of the Dudley Geological Society. Messrs W. Sparrow and H. Beckett had done this for the district between Wolverhampton. Walsall, and Wednesbury, and Mesers. S. H. Blackwell and C. Twamley for the district around Dudley. The results of their labours were freely communicated, and after being verified, are now published in our maps. Several other gentlemen have been mentioned by name in the preceding Memoir as having afforded important information, and many more might have been mentioned, but that the information they so kindly gave became worked into the general account of the district, and did not relate to any particularly prominent and salient points of its structure.