Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/250

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  1. Page
  2. Coal, stratification of, observes law of relation of specific gravity to action of moving water205
  3. Coal,— — — total amount of thickness of, in South Staffordshire (note)106
  4. Coal,— — — varieties of 17
  5. Coal-field divided into two parts, and the subdivisions of each142
  6. Coal-measures abutting against Silurian cliffs80
  7. Coal-measures— — — all deposited by one kind of operation206
  8. Coal-measures— — — and Silurian, slight distinction between83
  9. Coal-measures— — — deposited unconformably on slightly elevated and denuded edges of Silurian beds134
  10. Coal-measures— — — detailed description28
  11. Coal-measures— — — fossils of, note by Mr. Salter on27
  12. Coal-measures— — — general description of16
  13. Coal-measures— — — on two sides of northern part of coal-field, comparison of101
  14. Coal-measures— — — unconformable on Llandovey sandstone near Barr110
  15. Coal-measures— — — do. do. near the Lickey 
  16. Coal-measures— — — Cockshutts colliery, Blue flats at78
  17. Coal-measures— — — Fire-clay balls at63
  18. Colly, Mr., of Shut End, on gate road through Shut End fault158
  19. Colmers and Kendal End, limestone at111
  20. Columnar basalt at Rowley119
  21. Columnar— — — radiating at Pouk Hill125
  22. Commissioners of Norton Manor, faults inserted from plans of170
  23. Comparison of Coppy Hall and Aldridge pits100
  24. Compound seams of coal25
  25. Conduit colliery, Brown Hills74
  26. Conduit— — — Gubbin and Balls at76
  27. Coneygree colliery58, 64
  28. Coneygree— — — New Mine coal at62
  29. Conformability or unconformability of formations to each other123
  30. Conformability— — — apparent, of Permian to Coal-measure along southern boundary175
  31. Conglomerate or pebble beds of New Red sandstone6
  32. Conglomerate— — — near Wordesley2
  33. Conglomerate— — — lie and position of between Harbourne and Brereton187
  34. Connection of central and south-western part of coal-field163
  35. Cook's Wood, section near11
  36. Cooksey, Mr., of Westbromwich50, 122
  37. Cooper's Lodge, outcrop of coal near102
  38. Coppy Hall colliery, near Walsall Wood99
  39. Corbyn's Hall colliery30, 32, 37
  40. Corbyn— — — New Mine stone at67
  41. Corbyn— — — lower measures at62, 67
  42. Corbyn— — — fault157
  43. Corns (part of Thick) coal21, 35
  44. Corngreaves colliery30
  45. Coseley, Poor Robins ironstone at69
  46. Coselwy and Wednesbury fault165
  47. Coxe's Rough, quarry in basalt of120
  48. Cradley basin, detailed description of166
  49. Caradley basin— — — general description of143
  50. Crop of beds south of Bentley fruit67
  51. Crop of— — — coal into New Red sandstone at Brereton173
  52. Crop of— — — of Wyrley Cannel coal towards Essington122
  53. D.
  54. Daffodilly, sandstone under Barr limestone near110
  55. Darlaston fault165
  56. Dartmouth, Lord, Heath pits of12, 136
  57. Darwin, Mr., on faults193
  58. Davis, Messrs., pits at Bullock's farm11
  59. Davis— — —, and Bloomer, Messrs., pits at Pelsall73
  60. Davis— — — Mr. J. E., fossils found at Barr by112
  61. Daw End, termination of limestones near160
  62. Daw end— — — fault 
  63. Dawes, Mr., on Stigmaria beds217
  64. Deep coal26
  65. Deep Coal— — — lower part of Bottom coal72
  66. Deepfields colliery36
  67. Deepfields— — — colliery— — — getting rock and Poor Robin at63
  68. Deepfields— — — limestone at94
  69. Deepmore coppice, Great Bentley fault near87
  70. De la Bcche, Sir H.4, 117, 216
  71. Note on Stigmaria beds216
  72. Denudation of coal-field by removal of superincumbent Lias and New Red sandstone100
  73. Depth of coal beneath the Red Coal-measure clays102
  74. Depth of— — — coal beneath the New Red sandstone and Permian rocks200
  75. Description of rocks2
  76. Diagram representing the separation of the beds of the Thick coal26
  77. Diamonds ironstone22, 77
  78. Difference between those boundaries of the coal-field which are formed by faults and those by superposition of beds175
  79. Dip of measures about Pelsall and Wyrley87, 171
  80. Dipteronotua cyphis, fossil fish6
  81. Dispute as to true meaning of the word fault191
  82. Division of coal-field, principal line of142
  83. Dock meadow colliery, Bilston, Bottom coal at70
  84. "Door-case" rock, vein of white trap123
  85. Drift gravel distinguished from New Red conglomerate6
  86. Drift gravel— — — or superficial accumulations207
  87. Drift clay, Liassic and Oolite fossils in6,207