Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/255

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  1. Page
  2. N.
  3. Needwood Forest, lias of3, 187
  4. New Invention, fault near168
  5. ——— green rock near123
  6. ——— Heathen coal gotten at88
  7. New Mine coal20, 22, 26, 60
  8. ——— coal rock59
  9. ——— ironstone or White ironstone,22, 56, 93
  10. New Red sandstone, description of3
  11. ——— position and lie of111
  12. ——— east of Westbromwich179
  13. ——— pierced at Longhouse98
  14. ——— search for coal beneath200
  15. ——— unconformable to Permian130
  16. Newtown, calcareous sandstone near,11, 186
  17. Netherton anticlinal113, 154
  18. ——— basalt near125
  19. ——— tunnel, no basalt in shafts of120
  20. No trap rock in district except in the Coal-measures131
  21. Noddyfield, Cannock Chase, section at104
  22. Norton, outcrop of coal (? Bentley Hay or Wyrley Bottom coal) near102
  23. Manor, Commissioners for dividing mines of102
  24. Northern part of coal-field144, 167
  25. Northfield, Bell Inn, Permians in lane near2
  26. O.
  27. Oak farm colliery32, 37, 38
  28. Oblique lamination, remarkable example of61
  29. ——— section table214
  30. Old Buffery Trough143
  31. ——— Line colliery30
  32. ——— Man's coal, Bentley24, 89, 168
  33. ——— Mitre fault83, 172
  34. ——— Robins coal, Wyrley and Essington23, 26, 91, 95
  35. Oldbury, Boundary fault near178
  36. ——— Permian rocks near186
  37. Omfray coal (part of Thick coal)21, 35
  38. Oolitic or Liassic fossils in drift207
  39. Open work in Thick coal at Fox-yards35
  40. ——— —— in Bottom coal near Goscott72
  41. Origin of coal201
  42. Outcrop of coal at Castle Hill, Beau-desert173
  43. ——— —— on Cannock Chase102
  44. ——— —— Bentley Hay and Heathen, north of Bentley168
  45. ——— —— Wyrley Bottom coal171
  46. ——— —— Wyrley Cannel coal172
  47. ——— —— of Thick coal between Bloxwich and Norton impossible90
  48. ——— —— round Dudley and Sedgley anticlinal149
  49. Outcrop of Thick coal near Stourbridge156
  50. ——— —— round Netherton anticlinal154
  51. ——— —— from Ettingshall Lane by Bilston, Darlaston, and Wednesbury166
  52. Outlier of coal on Walsall Silurian ground161
  53. ——— —— on Sedgley Silurian ground148
  54. Outliers of Permian rocks near Halesowen155
  55. Outline of framework of district141
  56. Overlap of New Red sandstone across northern end of coal-field142
  57. P.
  58. Parkfield, Bottom coal at70
  59. ——— Silurian at84
  60. Park Hall, Blue flats at78
  61. ——— House colliery42
  62. Patchells coal (part of Thick coal)21, 35
  63. Peacock, Mr. Aaron45
  64. Pearson, Mr., of Brierley Hill157
  65. Pebbles of trap in Coal-measures like those in Permian breccia29
  66. ——— of coal in Permian rocks136
  67. Pebbley rock, description of16
  68. Peldon, description of16
  69. Pelsall Heath, Bottom coal at72
  70. ——— fault near 
  71. Pelsall and Brown Hills, section of23
  72. Pennystone ironstone22, 57, 93
  73. Pensnett basin143, 155
  74. Pentamerus Knightii106
  75. Percy, Dr. John, the Grace Mary colliery of43, 121
  76. Physical geography of district1
  77. Pickering, Mr. E.3
  78. Piggott, Mr., sinking at Hednesford102
  79. Pike or Pick, colliers220
  80. Pins and pennyearth ironstone20, 32
  81. Plants forming coal, nature of201
  82. ——— fossil in New Red sandstone188
  83. Plot's Natural History of Staffordshire32
  84. Poole, Mr. Vernon, of Brereton105
  85. Poor Robin ironstone22, 67
  86. Permian breccia9, 13
  87. ——— of Brand Hall approaching Boundary fault177
  88. ——— coal12
  89. ——— or Lower Red sandstone8
  90. ——— rocks, absence of along northern part of eastern boundary fault180
  91. ——— —— around south end of coal-field184
  92. ——— —— —— Clent Hills and Lickey9
  93. ——— —— —— Westbromwich12
  94. ——— —— —— coal-field183
  95. ——— —— —— south-east corner of coal-field186