Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/82

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In the central part of the field, south of Bilston, we get the following sections:—

Bradley Lodge.
  FT. IN.
Fire-clay and batt 4 8
Dark ground 3 0
Fire-clay and ironstone balls 3 9
  11 5
Lower Bradley.
  FT. IN.
Fire-clay 9 8
Little coal 0 10
Fire-clay 6 0
Rock 3 0
Fire-clay balls, an occasional ironstone 4 0
Dark ground 26 6

Around[1] Highfields, Deepfields, and Tipton colleries there are only 2 to 4 feet of fire-clay, clunch, or binds; but at Coneygree, near Dudley, these beds again swell out to the following section:—

  FT. IN
Fire-clay 2 0
Rock-binds 8 0
Rough rock 3 6
Binds mixed with peldon 4 0
Fire-clay balls ironstone 4 0
Hard rock 3 6
Batt 1 2
  26 2

We will leave the attempt to trace these beds south and west of Dudley till after the description of the Fire-clay coal. Going north from the district already described, (north of Willenhall that is,) we find these beds to have a more constant character than elsewhere, always preserving a thickness of more than 20 feet, and consisting of alternations of rock, fire-clay, and clunch, as the three following sections will show:—

Central Part of Bentley Estate.
  FT. IN
Batt, fire-clay, and binds 8 8
Rock 1 4
Binds 7 4
Rock 0 8
Binds and ironstone 4 0
Coal 0 7
Fire-clay and binds 9 0
  31 7
Dudley Brothers Colliery, between Bloxwich and New Invention.
  FT. IN
Batt and fire-clay 6 0
Rock binds 17 10
Black batt 0 6
White rock 1 8
Batt 2 0
White rock 0
Black batt 1 7
  32 7

(See Vert. Sects., sh. 18, No. 29.)

Brown Hills Colliery.

Fire-clay 2
Rock 27

  1. See Vertical Sections, sheet 16, No. 12, and sheet 26, No. 51.