Page:The Southern Literary Messenger - Minor.djvu/119

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Literary Messenger

up in matter to be printed, that there was scarcely enough left for daily use. Then, "at the eleventh hour," the pressman would straighten himself and come to his neglected task. After carefully examining a few of his printed wetted sheets, he made his obedient machine roll and fly and bend with such speed and expertness as to relieve the alarm which he had created. Both kindness and expediency prevented his dismissal. The rest of the force were exemplary and punctual. Macfarlane was foreman, clerk and mailing man; the Fergusson brothers and he were compositors and the printed sheets were carried to the house of a Mr. Toler, who folded, stitched and covered them. A tall, strong, good-looking, faithful and polite colored hireling, Wyatt, was janitor and messenger.

Mr. White issued the first number of the Messenger in August, 1834: his connexion with it ended in August, 1843; nine years.

Benjamin Blake Minor's Administration

The August number, 1843, was issued on the 5th inst., but bore upon its front the name of Benjamin Blake Minor, as its editor and proprietor. His negotiation for the purchase had to be carried on with the administrator, for the sake of the legal title; but for terms, with P. D. Bernard, as the representative of Mr. White's