Page:The Southern Literary Messenger - Minor.djvu/223

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Literary Messenger

Edward Everett had been invited. He sends a reply, full of interest and sympathy. Bishop Percy's "Reliques of Ancient Romance Poetry" is reviewed. Catherine of Russia is portrayed (from the London Times). John E. Cooke furnishes some Revolutionary letters, from Gen. Steuben and others.

Alex. H. Sands delivers before the Hollins Institute, at commencement, an address, "The Intellectual Culture of Woman." He was a lawyer of Richmond, of some literary self-culture. From friendship for the work and its proprietors, he, after Mr. Thompson's retirement, rendered the Messenger some editorial service, but was never employed as editor, as has been by some supposed.

There is a full review of several of the works of Dr. Simms, who is still absent, but engaged in his faithful labors. The poems of Aldrich are attended to. Moses Adams describes the tableaux of "Paradise and the Peri," in Richmond, in aid of the Mt. Vernon fund. They were really beautiful and magnificent, which was mainly due to the taste and skill of Mrs. Wm. F. Ritchie, who had learned a good deal of stage scenery, costumes and effects whilst she was "on the boards" as Mrs. Mowatt. She was also a splendid reader and explained the tableaux. The writer's people were in them with her and one of